Provisioning a Raspberry Pi Swarm with IaC: Part 1
The Raspberry Pi is a cheap and fun piece of kit for geeks. My QNAP NAS is running a few too many applications on Docker, and I have a few Raspberry Pi’s laying around, so I thought it’d be a fun weekend project to turn them into a Docker Swarm.
A Clearer View of the NeoVim Ecosystem
A while back I posted about rewriting my Vim config from scratch and focusing on using Neovim. In that time, my assumptions about what plugins I’d be using have changed, as I have discovered more plugins that are implemented in Lua and depend on NeoVim 0.5+.
NeoVim - A Clean Slate
According to Git, my vimrc is twelve years old, and it’s probably actually older. That’s a long time to accrue a lot of cruft. A lot has happened in the world of Vim in the past decade, with the emergence of NeoVim encouraging the development of features found in newer editors. Simultaneously, tooling for languages has improved significantly with the creation of the Language Server Protocol (LSP), and newer languages, such as Rust, learning from their predecessors and providing tooling out of the box. I think it’s time to wipe the slate clean and start anew, looking for modern solutions to configure the editor the way I want it to work.
Lambda Days 2017 - The First Day
The day kicked off with a Keynote from John Hughes, who provided an energetic introduction to functional programming, recapped some of its history, and explained why it matters, along with Mary Sheeran.
A Universal Package Specification
One of my favourite things about Unix-like operating systems is package management. I discuss the Archlinux PKGBUILD format and propose a new metadata format for packages.