A while back I posted about rewriting my Vim config from scratch and focusing on using Neovim. In that time, my assumptions about what plugins I’d be using have changed, as I have discovered more plugins that are implemented in Lua and depend on NeoVim 0.5+.


I checked out completion-nvim when I first looked into using the built in LSP client, however it seemed to lack a few features I wanted, like multiple sources. ncm2 was better at the time. Since then, completion-nvim has added a slew of features to be on par with ncm2, at least for me.

Instead of denite, I will now be looking into customizing telescope.nvim. It appears to provide similar functionality but is written in Lua, which makes it faster than a Python implementation, and for me makes it more hackable. It has LSP integration out of the box, so that reduces the amount of work I have to do.

I’m currently using it as a fuzzy file finder (CtrlP/fzf replacement), a buffer list/switcher, LSP references, and grep/rg.


Along with LSP and Lua, the most exciting feature being developed in NeoVim is TreeSitter integration. TreeSitter is an incremental parser generator, initially used in Atom and GitHub. It allows NeoVim to work on an actual abstract syntax tree instead of relying on regular expressions. Highlighting can be more accurate, reliable, and tolerant of errors. Code can be navigated contextually. Folds can work on custom parser queries. A lot of cool stuff is made possible by this. Max Brunsfeld, the author, has an excellent presentation from StrangeLoop 2018.

Plugin Management

While I haven’t started using it yet, Packer looks like an interesting replacement for vim-plug. Support for dependencies could be a useful feature not available in vim-plug.